Right mindset, action & productivity in the respective craft

Venkat Satish
2 min readSep 8, 2020

Felt like writing a beautiful byte today.

Well, in an interesting research paper, Michael Bar-Eli, analysed 286 penalty kicks in soccer. The analysis revealed that the ball takes approximately 0.2 seconds to reach the goal. Thus, the reaction time is almost absent for the goal keeper to react.

Hence,.4% times, the goal keeper was successful by chosing right or left dive and 80% of the times, penalty kicks resulted in a goal. Therefore, despite remaining at center being the most productive option, the Goal keeper chooses either right or left in order to justify his action to save the goal, despite the action yielding limited benefits. Staying at center is psychologically considered as inaction, which may result in regret and risk to his career.

Similarly, an entrepreneur, passion driven craftsman, an employee or as a matter of fact, even a family person, many a time also suffer from this kind of action bias! Hence, it’s very imperative for the above set of folks to become more mindful and keep on reminding themselves — “Decision to be out of action, itself is an action” to overcome Action-bias. you can wait, remain patient which is also a productive action at times. Trying to be active & productive always may end up in a “SPRINT” ; however, a waiting game & right timely action in whichever craft you’re WILL result in a MARATHON for sure!

Staying away from indecisive channels/mindset is the best kind of progress towards productivity!



Venkat Satish

Ferreting to learn everything, 2 decades of organizational exposure in mar-com, technology, entrepreneurship, B.D., Coaching, bootstrapping. Assisting Startups