Projecting the right way & growth for children.

Venkat Satish
2 min readOct 11, 2020

Dear parents, did you know that 14% of Google’s employees have not attended college.

What matters most to them are things like,

1. Learning ability

2. Problem solving skills

3. Leadership thoughts

4. Intellectual humility

5. Analytical mindset

6. Body language

Review & grow your kids on the right path. Learn to value the learning of your children more than their grades/marks.

More you value their learning mindset, less the children would cheat in exams and less the children would lie. In the practical world, the skill of asking the right questions is way more valuable and rewarding than knowing the right answers.

Please ensure that the mandatory curriculum either at school or home should include:

Culture, love for country, mutual respect, dignity, responsibility, respect for elders, ethics, not drawing comparisons (especially the parents should stop this) & more importantly respecting the fairer sex.

Above all despite the best of nutrition you give to your child, Vitamin D is important for a healthy immune system. Vitamin D gets activated by magnesium. Vitamin D DOES NOT WORK without MAGNESIUM! Therefore, ensure your child get exposed to the maximum concentration of Vitamin D (sunlight) & Magnesium.

Laws & theories of Maslow, Darwin, Pythagoras, Newton, Moore, Photosynthesis & crafts like Space science, AI, ML, Cardio Vascular, Wall street banking, Integrated Mathematics, Meta Physics, Granular chemistry and many more seems to be worthless if your child doesn’t absorb the above virtues & learning.

Your association determines your destination. That is why you must enable/assist to make your child choose their friends and relationships wisely…!

Have a great day & weekend.



Venkat Satish

Ferreting to learn everything, 2 decades of organizational exposure in mar-com, technology, entrepreneurship, B.D., Coaching, bootstrapping. Assisting Startups